Genius was the person who invented naps.
The more you give, the more you get.
To live is to glow.
If a person
lacks joy and glow,
it is not about how life treats him,
but about how he faces
Every step in the right direction brings us closer to our goal.
A huge
amount of good is not seen,
because we are too used to the good around us.
Good things don't diminish when shared.
If you don't separate the good from the bad, nothing matters.
The option for good always exists and is available to everyone.
I want to
be on the good side,
even when it doesn't seem to do any good.
We don't
need permission to do good,
we can do it without asking anyone.
There is no need to justify doing good or behaving well.
The good you give comes back double.
Good Life
Every human being deserves a good life.
A good life is a combination of giving and receiving.
Good Mind
A good mind is a value in itself.
With a good mind, we can go very far.
Good People
Life caresses good people.
Good Things
There are
many good things going on today
that don't make the news but they make a
huge amount of sense.
Goodness is underrated.
Given or received, goodness is always wonderful.
Life rewards the grateful.
There are
two conditions for experiencing greatness:
we have to live with our senses
and we have to want to produce great things.
As human beings, we are measured in the way we meet and treat strangers.
Ultimately, the measure of human greatness is not how much we can grab for ourselves, but how much we give to others.