

I maintain that life is a miracle. If you don't see life as a miracle, you don't see it right. Mind is our link to reality but it is now controlled by the ego, which sees only a narrow strip of the world. Life is much more than we see and know.

In my books RIGHT NOW, Whole and One, and Insights into Immensity I maintain that human problems can be solved if we update the settings of our mind and start to live with facts. To do that we need a mind that does not shrink life as our egos do.

Living with facts means seeing a miracle in the world, in others - and in oneself. Living RIGHT NOW is the best way to live.

"RIGHT NOW" is out now!

Living right is the theme of this book. The starting point is that life is a miracle, and if you don't see it so, you don't see it right. We can only live right in the now, with the facts, in what is actual.

The mind is our link to the world. It is now controlled by the ego, which sees only a narrow strip of the world. There is an error in the program of our mind but it can perhaps be corrected. It requires updating the settings of the mind.

RIGHT NOW invites you on a journey behind the words. It presents an alternative to the present way of life dominated by an egoistic and time-anchored world view.

The first part of the book discusses the conditions of seeing correctly, the second part presents the theses of doing right. The third part contains over thousand observations about life, starting with action and ending with world view.

Buy on Amazon or read here

Life is a miracle,
and if you don't see it so,
you don't see it right.

RIGHT NOW essentials in 6 minutes.